Courier service Amsterdam

Do you have a parcel shipment from or to Amsterdam? Kappa Koerier is a specialised courier company with various courier services from and to our capital. Our couriers will pick up your parcel and deliver it to any desired address, both in the Netherlands and abroad. Our dedicated team delivers every parcel with care. 

Courier Amsterdam

No matter what kind of parcel or package you have, we offer the right solution. For example, a confidential envelope, a same day parcel delivery or an international delivery. We also take care of deliveries within Amsterdam.

Why choose Kappa Koerier?

✔ Specialised courier with over 25 years of experience
✔ Wide range of different courier services, fit to your wishes and budget
✔ Dedicated deliveries possible
✔ Environmentally friendly transport services
✔ More than 40.000 deliveries a year
✔ Follow your parcel with track and trace, including proof of delivery

Why Kappa Courier

40,000 trips per year
Express transport possible
SMS with delivery time
Track and trace
Sustainable fleet

Your shipment from or to Amsterdam delivered in 4 steps

Please request a quote using the contact form. Within 10 minutes* we will contact you with a proposition:

  1. Please request a quote using the contact form or call: 088 321 21 21.
  2. Within 10 minutes* you will receive our quote.
  3. Our courier will collect your parcel at the desired time.
  4. After the parcel is delivered, you will receive a proof of delivery.

* On business days between 8.00 and 18.00.

Why Kappa Courier

40,000 trips per year
Express transport possible
SMS with delivery time
Track and trace
Sustainable fleet

Request a quote

Receive a quote within 10 minutes.
(On business days between 8.00 and 18.00)

* verplichte velden
10 minuten
We reply within 10 minutes.
(Op business days between 08:00 en 18:00)
Customer review:
5 sterren 9.5/10
325 reviews